Photography printed on polaroid
30 x 23 cm; handstitched

Raed Yassin (b. 1979, Beirut) is a Lebanese artist and musician who lives between Berlin and Beirut. Yassin’s work in video, sound, photography, text, sculpture and performance originates from an examination of his personal narratives and their position within a collective history, through the lens of consumer culture and mass production. He graduated from the theater department at the Insitute of Fine Arts, Beirut, in 2003. He has been in residence at De Ateliers, Amsterdam; the Delfina Foundation, London; and Akademie der Künste der Welt, Cologne, and is a recipient of the Abraaj Group Art Prize. He is an organizer of the Irtijal Festival for Experimental Music, Beirut, and has released several solo albums, as well with “A” Trio and PRAED. In 2009, he founded the independent music label Annihaya.
Raed Yassin – Untitled
Quarantined in Berlin; For Cities Under Quarantine – The Mailbox Project